oh the adventure

Friday, June 15, 2007

wrestling with potential

i wrestle tonight with a question on my mind
i wonder if you've thought of this one too
i wonder if it keeps you awake at night...it has me

are you content to live mediocre and apathetic?
have you found a level that you can live at, of satisfaction
if you have found it and can somehow stay there i am jealous
if you cannot maybe you will identify with me

i feel something inside of me that beckons me deeper
something that calls to me through my self-made chaos
most days that something inside nags me with this:
what keeps you from achieving your potential

or sometimes:
what is it in life that holds you back and enables you
to settle for less than your best

am i motivated by a fear of failure?
or do i hide behind my excuses
not fully putting myself into the things that i do

does the thought of reaching my potential scare me more
do i aim high to fulfill my calling
or am i too afraid of my inadequacies getting in the way?

there's just something about it
i'd like to think that in some way everyone is effected by the thought of their potential
some people settle while some people just give up some people fight forever

then there are those few that live to tell the story of their dream come true

my wish for you is that you abandon your fears enough to find your dreams, and under divine guidance live long enough to encourage others to do the same


Thursday, June 07, 2007

a cheep movie genre or true human experience

i would venture to guess that there are a lot of people on this planet that have never experienced love and maybe never will. yet they accomplish lots of great things. they may feel hollow and alone on the inside every minute they're alive, but how do their lives compare to the people whose lives are full of love.

I guess it would depend on what your answer is to the question of the meaning of life. Love I think. Love can change the world and fill an empty soul. It is love that compels one to help the one in need with no thought of restitution or so much as a thanks. it is love that compeled one to live a sinless life and to die for us. God is love, and i guess that's what makes the world go round. Maybe the meaning of life has not so much to do with what you do as it does with who you are.

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

p r a c t i c a l i t y and s p i r i t u a l i t y

we've seen the power in the older generations
we've heard the wisdom of the wise

we've encountered the opposition saying that truth is relevant
and if we don't believe, we're not spiritual

i've watch as christians pray for the Lord to interviene
and then refuse the help that's sent

i've stood in the shoes of the one waiting for the Lord to provide
::full of faith, not of commonsense

we've somehow become confused into thinking that
p r a c t i c a l i t y and s p i r i t u a l i t y have no place in the same life

what about: the Lord will bless the work of your hands
or how about: the Lord will bless the fruit of your labor
that are your hands doing that the Lord can bless

christanity is not a free pass to an easy life.
the Lord didn't promise to spare one from any trials in life.

Jesus came and walked among us. Fully God and fully man. Its a point that confuses many. How can one be fully two things. We enjoy compmentalizing life and quite frankly, this issue of being fully two completely opposite things just doesn't fit.

What if the point isn't that two opposite things reside in one being, or which Jesus was acting out of as He preformed miracles and set people free, but rather that these two things can each be a part of our life. Its great to trust that the Lord will provide or that the Lord will make a way where there seems to be no way. However when that way is made known, we would be wise to heed its promptings. That may mean filling out a job application, or having a conversation thats out of your comfort zone. When the Lord leads, He's right in front of you.

Spiritual faith is a great asset, but uncoupled with grounded wisdom can be harmful..as harmful I suspect as grounded wisdom without spiritual faith.
